27 June 2012

Sign the Citizens’ Petition for Ownership Rights | Citizens for Ownership Rights

Sign the Citizens’ Petition for Ownership Rights | Citizens for Ownership Rights

There is a law being proposed in Congress that would limit a consumer's right to resell objects. Goodbye, Ebay and Craigslist. Essentially proposes that the original seller retains the only right to sell that product. The case started regarding books. Sign the petition. 

25 June 2012

I just finished Akashic Book's "Phoenix Noir"edited by Patrick Millikin. If you have not heard of Akashic Books, they publish a series of mystery and noir short story compilations set in specific cities. They pull together very famous mystery authors, lesser known mystery authors, and authors writing outside their genre. "Phoenix Noir" includes stories by Jon Talton, Robert Anglen, Dogo Barry Graham, Diana Gabaldon, and Laura Tohe (I especially liked her short story) among many others. It was well worth the read and I recommend it highly.

21 June 2012

Another book read. This time I could not put down Jon Talton's latest David Mapstone mystery "South Phoenix Rules". I have read all of Talton's Dacid Mapstone mysteries and I am quite fond of the mix of  historical Arizona and the cold-case historian-deputy although this story does not have as much history and is very contemporary. If you love mysteries and Phoenix, this is a great very tightly written series of books. I am already looking forward to the next one.