08 July 2012

Just returned from a beautiful week in Arizona's White Mountains camping with my Dad and Nolan. The weather was unusually great (almost disappointingly so!) and we got to check out a lot of the damage from last year's terrible Wallow Fire. It is shocking how much forest is burnt. We drove for more than an hour and it was a near-moonscape for the whole drive. However many areas were inexplicably untouched. For example, Big Lake was unaffected by the fire. It seems to have parted and passed to the east and west. I am interested in how well the forest will recover from the damage and how long it will take. We saw some wildlife but they all seemed to be near occupied areas. There were even skunks, 4 babies, wandering near their den which was frighteningly close to our campsite. (yes, we locked up the dogs in the truck when the skunks appeared). Meanwhile down here in Phoenix it was raining like crazy. Next year.

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