31 May 2012

Somehow I have managed once again to acquire too many books for my summer reading.

Experiments for the Introductory Physics Laboratory, Oleg Batischev, 9780738048802
Food, Inc., Karl Weber, 9781586486945
Perfectly Perilous Math, Sean Connolly, 9780761163749
Haunted Kansas, Lisa Hefner Heitz, 9780700609307
We Disappear, Scott Heim, 9780061468971
Sealab, Ben Hellwarth, 9780743247450
An Empire of Ice, Edward Larson, 9780300154085
Guide to Observing Deep Sky Objects, Jeff Farinacci, 9780387728506
Building a Roll-Off Roof Observatory, John Hicks, 9780387766034
Free Radicals, Michael Brooks, 9781590208540
Soda-Pop Rockets, Paul Jarvis, 9781556529603
How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog, Chad Orzel, 9780465023318

I also got a new reference book, the 32nd Edition of the CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, 978143983548. Fun.

And there is a pile of more books on their way. How many will I actually get through along with all the ones already here that need to be read?

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